Learning Pandas

Here's some quick notes for data munging using Pandas, Python, and Katt.

Note: Jupyter notebook probably wasn't necessary for this, but it's good practice to get used to the keyboard shortcuts again.

A review of Lambda

To get through data munging faster, lambda functions define a function in a single line of code. Some functions need more room, but as a rule of thumb, if it looks like something you could do in Excel, use a lambda. The code is much easier to read.

Below is an example of basic Lambda syntax:

mylambda = lambda x: (x * 2) + 3

Lambdas can also work through basic if gates. (For the love of documentation, don't make this too complicated without expanding it into a larger function.)

The following two code segments work the same way:

def myfunction(x):
    if x > 40:
        return 40 + (x - 40) * 1.50
        return x

myfunction = lambda x: 40 + (x - 40) * 1.50 \
    if x > 40 else x
    # See that slash above?  Use it when the lambda is more than one line.


Pretty cool. For reference, here's a list of some of the most common data munging tasks.

# Split a name in half and take the last name.
get_last_name = lambda x: x.split(' ')[-1]
df['last_name'] = df.name.apply(get_last_name)

# Find an email provider, or anything else.  Note the different syntax:
df['Email Provider'] = df.Email.apply(lambda x: x.split('@')[-1])

# Change names of columns in a dataframe
df.columns = ['ID', 'Title', 'Category', 'Year Released', 'Rating']

# Rename columns of data -- better because of specificity
  'id': 'ID',
  'name': 'movie_title'},

# Using a lambda on a row, because more than one column value is needed behind an if statement
total_earned = lambda row: (row.hourly_wage * 40) + ((row.hourly_wage * 1.5) * (row.hours_worked - 40)) \
    if row.hours_worked > 40 \
    else row.hourly_wage * row.hours_worked
df['total_earned'] = df.apply(total_earned, axis = 1)

# Make a new row that finds whether another row is NULL
ad_clicks['is_click'] = ad_clicks.ad_click_timestamp.isnull()

As well, here's some common aggregation functions to use on dataframe columns:

mean | Average of all values in column | std | Standard deviation median | Median max | Maximum value in column min | Minimum value in column count | Number of values in column nunique | Number of unique values in column unique | List of unique values in column

If slicing and dicing is needed, aggregate by sub-type using syntax like:

To make the output a proper dataframe instead of a series, add an reset_index() to the end, with both sets of parenthesis.

This can definitely start getting more complex, for example:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

orders = pd.read_csv('orders.csv')
cheap_shoes = orders.groupby('shoe_color').price.apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x, 25)).reset_index()

The above finds what the 25th percentile is for the uploaded dataframe of shoes, grouping by the shoe color, then assigning the result to a dataframe named cheap_shoes.

However, the above output is a tibble, which is hated by managers and UI folk everywhere. Pandas thankfully can make a pivot table:

shoe_counts_pivot = shoe_counts.pivot(

For merging, instead of using VLOOKUP a couple thousand times, you can use pd.merge(df1, df2). The basic use of merge will merge together two dataframes using a column by the same name in each dataframe. Note: this is an Inner Join ONLY unless using how

If the dataframes don't have a column named the same to link them together, the easiest way to deal with it is by using df1.rename() (see above), as the dictionary-based process can be sturdier and easier to troubleshoot.

The process can be made even more explicit with the following:

    suffixes=['_order', '_customer'])
  • left_on and right_on are the two columns the datasets are spliced together, or how to distinguish your foreign keys.

  • suffixes are for when two columns in each df have the same column name. By default, the one on the left will be "x" and on the right will be "y".

  • how is for the join type, and can be 'outer', 'left', or 'right' -- this defaults to inner, so be careful to not drop things

  • When playing with dataframes, use nice spacing. It's a lot easier to work through nice spacing, and more logical to use spacing similar to SQL. That way when a DBA gets pissed off, they won't also start swearing at your code, and everyone can read it.

To merge together two dataframes with identical columns (such as for data from two rounds of the same experiment, or two sign-up sheets), use pd.concat([df1, df2]).

Iterating over rows:

#create dataframe
df_marks = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'mango'],
    'calories': [68, 74, 77, 78]})

#iterate through each row of dataframe
for index, row in df_marks.iterrows():
    print(index, ': ', row['name'], 'has', row['calories'], 'calories.')

The following snippet sample assigns a value to the column loc in the database new_df, based on whether it's part of the subset of values where new_df.population_proper is above or below 100,000.

new_df.loc[new_df.population_proper < 100000, "location"] = "rural"
new_df.loc[new_df.population_proper >= 100000, "location"] = "urban"

Last updated

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